Sunday, 27 October 2013

An Exciting New Development

We are totally thrilled with the way that British Crafters has taken off.  We are now approaching 6000 Facebook likers and 7000 Twitter followers we really have a fabulous and loyal following now which is amazing!

The downside to this success is that promoting all these lovely British Crafters for the last 10 months has taken up a lot of time and effort and unfortunately this has led to it being hard to keep up with our own shops and to justify to the accountant why we do all this for free!

So....the big decision has been made that we need to balance the books a little by offering a Paid Option for promotion of your chosen item including a Facebook page share, tweeting and other social media promotion including Pinterest and Stumbleupon.  Basically I will be working really hard to promote your item for you so that you can get on with making more items!

That doesn't mean that only those people that take this option will be shared, we will continue to run the page in the way that it is with dynamic free shares through the day.  The payment option just means that if you have an item you really want to showcase to our likers that this will be possible.

On a Sunday evening the options will become available to purchase and the themes for the following week announced.

The options are to choose a day at a time or a week if you prefer with a 20% discount for this.

The difference between the Paid share and a free one (apart from the certainty of a showcase) is that you will get a picture posted with the link to the item in your shop - thus increasing general Facebook visibility plus promotion in the other social media places.

Initially I will be running an Introductory Offer of just £1 per day for all this promotion or the option for a weeks promotion for £4.

After payment has been made you should email the link to your share item to

Many thanks for your interest and we hope that by doing this we can continue to run this page and provide a showcase for British Crafters wherever they sell.

Long term I would like to have a Website where your items can be permanently showcased and also have plans to stage (hopefully next year) a British Crafters Craft Fair in a Centralised location.

I look forward to working with you and forsee exciting times ahead!

Dottie x